




Once upon a time, there was a magical night known as the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. This was the day when all creatures came to meet each other across the heavens, sharing tales, catching up on their own legends and just generally bonding with one another.

The reason for this phenomenon was said to be because of a special fairy. This fairy was named Caiyu, who was banished from her own world because she fell in love with a mortal.

Unable to express her true feelings in her own world, Caiyu took it upon herself to create a beautiful garden, and then turned herself into a star in the heavens, thus creating the legend of the Milky Way.

Every year on this special day, Caiyu and her lover could meet again. But this year, Caiyu was unable to find her beloved, as he had been abducted by an evil witch.

To rescue her beloved, Caiyu traveled to the land of humans and faced trials and tribulations, finally gaining the courage to face her captor and defeat her. With this, she returned to her world with her beloved safe and sound.

From then on, every year on this day, Caiyu could finally rest easy, knowing that she had reunited with her beloved and all their creatures. This was a time for celebration, where lovers could exchange love notes and tokens, thus becoming a time of romance.
