



1. “人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。” - 文天祥

"Who among us will not die? Let me leave a pure and noble heart to shine in history." - Wen Tianxiang

2. “書籍是人類進步的階梯。” - 高爾基

"Books are the ladder of human progress." - Gao Erji

3. “時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。” - 鄧小平

"Time is money, and efficiency is life." - Deng Xiaoping

4. “我走得很慢,但我從未停止前進。” - 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦

"I walk slowly, but I never stop moving forward." - Albert Einstein

5. “無論你多么努力地想要去改變自己,如果你沒有行動,你就永遠無法成功。” - 約翰·列儂

"No matter how hard you try to change yourself, if you don't act, you will never succeed." - John Lennon

6. “一個人的價值,應該看他貢獻什麼,而不應當看他取得什麼。” - 愛因斯坦

"The value of a person should be measured by what he contributes, not by what he achieves." - Einstein

7. “只有那些勇敢的人才能穿越風暴,抵達彼岸。” - 佚名

"Only those who are brave enough can cross the storm and reach the other side."
