


人生勝利組(Life Screamer)的名言有:

* 只要你有目標,世界也會為你讓路。(As long as you have your goals, the world will also make way for you.)

* 失敗並不可怕,放棄才是真正的失敗。(Failure is not terrible, giving up is the real failure.)

* 人生就像一場馬拉松,重要的是過程,而不是終點。(Life is like a marathon, what matters is the process, not the end.)

* 不要讓別人的評價左右你,你要相信自己的價值。(Don't let others' evaluation influence you, you must believe in your own value.)

* 只有你自己才能決定你的人生,所以勇敢地去做吧。(Only you can decide your life, so be brave and do it.)

* 堅持就是勝利,別放棄!(Persistence is victory, don't give up!)

* 只有你積極向上,才能達到你想要的高度。(Only you can reach the height you want by being positive and upward.)
