



1. 成功屬於準備好的人。Success belongs to those who are prepared。

2. 平凡人生要用平凡的心去享受。Ordinary life should be enjoyed with an ordinary heart。

3. 苦海有涯。而學無涯,志者戰天下。The sea of suffering has an end, but the pursuit of knowledge is endless, and the determined fight to conquer it.

4. 自己選擇的路,就算跪著,也要把它走完。The road you choose, even if you have to kowtow, you must walk it to the end.

5. 人之轟動一世,在品行,而不在地位;無品行,何得轟動一世。People are famous for their character, not their position. Without character, how can they be famous for a lifetime?

6. 生命不在於活得長與短,而在於頓悟的早與晚。Life is not about how long or short, but about whether you realize it early or late.

7. 人生的路要靠自己走。人生的希望,在於自己手中。The road of life depends on oneself. The hope of life lies in ones own hands.

8. 頑強的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。Perseverance can conquer any peak in the world.

9. 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有堅忍不拔之志。The ancients who established great achievements not only have exceptional talent, but also have a firm determination not to give up.
