



1. “Living life is like riding a bicycle - you must keep moving forward.” - Chinese writer Mao Zedong.

2. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - British writer Winston Churchill.

3. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” - American actor/singer Clint Eastwood.

4. “Life is like a journey, and we are all travelers on it together.” - Spanish philosopher George Santayana.

5. “Life is like a flame, it’s not important how long it burns, but what we light next.” - American author Jack London.

6. “Life is like a game of cards, you play the best hand you are dealt.” - American humorist Mark Twain.

7. “Life is like a beautiful painting, sometimes it’s a masterpiece, sometimes it’s a mess.” - Unknown.
