



1. The Legend of Yuanxiao Festival

Long ago,there was a king who loved his people very much. He knew that during the winter,the people faced many difficulties because of the cold weather and scarce food supply. The king asked the gods for help,and in return he asked that they sacrifice a portion of the crops for the people. The gods agreed,and the people were happy.

On the day of the sacrifice,the king ordered his servants to make a special meal for the people. They made a kind of rice ball,which was filled with sweet red bean paste and decorated with colorful sweet wrappers. They served it to the people as a meal to celebrate the sacrifice of crops and to feed the people during this time of hunger. People thought that these rice balls were the first cooked foods to appear on their menu since before the sacrifice. The people liked them very much and praised them as delicious and full of good energy. From then on,every year at this time,people would gather and enjoy the joyful atmosphere,and they would also eat the special rice balls that symbolize togetherness and good wishes for the year.

2. The Rabbit in the Night of Yuanxiao Festival

Every year on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival,the sky is very beautiful and bright,with many stars shining brightly and a round moon hanging in the sky. One year,a little rabbit was wandering in the forest at midnight when he suddenly saw a bright round moon hanging in the sky. He was very excited and curious,and decided to go up to it to take a look. As he approached the moon,he suddenly found himself in a beautiful garden filled with many beautiful flowers and trees.

The rabbit saw many other little animals all enjoying themselves together. They were singing and dancing and playing games,and he felt very happy to be there with them. Suddenly,a beautiful young woman appeared and said,“Welcome to our festival!You are very lucky to have come here today. This is a festival for family reunions and we are celebrating the beauty of nature and the round moon.” She handed him a special treat made of rice flour and sweet red bean paste and said,“This is a special treat for you to enjoy tonight. It represents family unity and good wishes for the year.”

Afterwards,the rabbit went back to his home and told his family about his experience. From then on,every year at this time,all rabbits would gather together to enjoy the festival and eat the special rice balls made by their ancestors.