




Once upon a time, there was a little bunny named Rabbit. He lived by himself in a big field and he was lonely. He wanted a friend to play with, so he decided to go out and find one.

Rabbit hopped through the field, looking for other bunnies to meet. He passed by flowers and butterflies, but he didn't find any other bunnies. He kept hopping and hopping, but still no luck.

Finally, he came across a little brown bunny named Boo. Boo was playing with some other bunnies and he seemed to be having a good time. Rabbit joined in and they played together for a while.

But Rabbit soon realized that he didn't really know Boo that well. He wanted to be closer friends with Boo, but he didn't know how. So he asked Boo if they could be friends for real. Boo agreed and they became best friends.

From then on, Rabbit and Boo played together every day and they had fun adventures in the field. Rabbit finally had a friend to play with and he was so happy!

Story Summary: A little bunny named Rabbit wanted a friend to play with, so he went out and found one. He eventually became best friends with a little brown bunny named Boo and they had fun adventures together.
