


題目:A Friendly Adventure

Once upon a time, a little boy named Ben and his new friend, a little puppy named Spot, were playing in the park. Spot was a cute little puppy with big brown eyes and a wagging tail.

Ben and Spot had just met, but they were already best friends. They played together for hours, chasing each other around the playground and having a great time.

One day, they were playing on the swings when they heard a loud noise. They ran over to see what was happening and found a little kitten named Kitty trapped in a tree. She was crying and trying to climb down, but she couldn't reach the ground.

Ben and Spot quickly decided to help Kitty. They tried to climb up the tree, but they were too small. So, they came up with a plan. Spot would climb up the tree and try to scare Kitty down with his tail, while Ben would try to distract her with a big stick.

After a while, Kitty was able to grab onto the stick and swing down to the ground. She was safe and very grateful for the help of her new friends.

Ben and Spot were very proud of themselves for helping Kitty. They had learned an important lesson about friendship and teamwork. From then on, they were even closer friends and always looked out for each other.
