



* 持續的努力可以破壞一切,也能建設一切。Efforts made persistently can destroy everything as well as build everything.

* 當你做一件事,做得有點阻力時,你該放下,不要為了堅持而堅持。When you are doing something, if it is a little bit difficult, you should give it up and not persist just because you want to persevere.

* 人生就是需要努力,畢竟努力也是努力,打遊戲也是努力。Life needs effort. After all, trying hard is trying hard, playing games is trying hard too.

* 任何時候為有意義的事情努力過,都不是浪費時間。Trying at any time for something meaningful is not a waste of time.

* 我們付出努力不是為了感動誰,也不是為了做給誰看,而是為了自己,我們在變好的路上,沒有人能阻擋你的努力。The effort we make is not to impress anyone or show anyone, but for ourselves. No one can stop your efforts as you are on the way to getting better.

* 不論你在什麼時候開始,重要的是開始之後就不要停止;不論你在什麼時候結束,重要的是結束之後就不要悔恨。No matter when you start, what matters is not to stop after starting; no matter when you end, what matters is not to regret regret after ending. Keep trying no matter what.
