



1. Perseverance is the hard work of success. 堅持就是成功的努力。

2. Success is not final, but failure is not fatal. 成功不是終點,但失敗不是致命的。

3. Success often comes to those who are prepared for it. 成功常常屬於那些有準備的人。

4. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. 幸福不是成功的關鍵,成功是幸福的關鍵。

5. Success is not the result of luck, but the result of hard work. 成功不是運氣,而是努力的結果。

6. Success is not the goal, but the journey. 成功不是目的,而是過程。

7. Keep your face to the sunshine and you shall never see a shadow. 面向陽光,你將看不到陰影。

8. Courage is the first step in success. 勇氣是成功的第一步。

9. Never give up, never lose hope. 永不放棄,永不失去希望。

10. Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。