


"姊姊的守護者"可以用英文表達為"Sister's Protector"。如果你想找一個更具體的英文佳句,這裡有一些可供參考:

1. 他是她生命中的守護者,永遠在她需要時挺身而出。 (He is her guardian in life, always stepping up when she needs him the most.)

2. 那個守護者是她的燈塔,在風暴中照亮她的道路。 (The protector is her lighthouse, guiding her path in the storms.)

3. 他是她的盾牌,保護她免受傷害。 (He is her shield, protecting her from harm.)

4. 守護者是她最堅實的後盾,無論何時何地,他都在那裡支持她。 (The protector is her strongest backstop, always there for her, no matter what the situation.)

5. 守護者的存在讓她感到安全,因為知道有人一直在那裡保護她。 (The presence of a protector makes her feel safe, knowing that someone is always there to protect her.)