



* 微笑不一定要開心,因為他是對向你的,希望你快樂。

Smile doesn't have to be only for happiness, because it's aimed at you, wishing you happiness.

* 當你開心的時候,你微笑的時候,那是我最高興的時刻。

When you are happy and smiling, that is when I am happiest.

* 當你心情不好的時候,不妨抬頭看看天空,它那么大,一定可以包容你的所有委屈。

When you are feeling sad, why not look up at the sky? It's so big, it has to be able to contain all your grievances.

* 天空很美,因為你從雲間看到了未來。

The sky is beautiful because you see the future through the clouds.

* 生活總會給你另一個機會,這個機會叫明天。

Life always gives you another chance, it's called tomorrow.

* 生活不乏精彩瞬間,不要因為走得太遠而忘記為什麼出發。

Life is full of wonderful moments, don't forget why you started when you get too far down the road.

* 有時候最難放下的是你曾擁有的夢想。

Sometimes the hardest thing to let go is the dreams you once had.

* 幸福是自己的事,只要自己覺得幸福就是幸福。

Happiness is a personal thing, as long as you feel happy, then you are happy.
