



* 快樂是一種香水,無法倒在別人身上,而只能灑在自己心裡。 Happiness is like a perfume that cannot be poured on others but only sprayed onto oneself.

* 面對逆境,你若放下,生活就會獎賞你。 When you face adversity, if you let go, life will reward you.

* 眼淚的存在,只是證明悲傷不是一場幻覺。 The existence of tears is to prove that sorrow is not a dream.

* 勇敢的人,不是不落淚的人,而是願意含著淚繼續奔跑的人。 The brave person is not the one who never cries, but the one who is willing to keep running with tears in their eyes.

* 不是所有的堅持都有結果,但總有一些堅持,能從冰封的土地里,培育出十萬朵怒放的薔薇。 Not all perseverance has a result, but there are always some perseverance that can cultivate ten thousand blooming rose from the frozen soil.

* 生命中最偉大的時刻不在於永不墜落,而在於墜落後總能再度升起。 The greatest moment in life is not that it never falls, but it can rise again after falling.

* 每個人都是自己命運的建築師。只有不斷修正和完善自己的行為,才能贏得命運的垂青。 Everyone is a builder of their own destiny. Only by continuously correcting and improving their behavior can they win the favor of their destiny.

* 生命中的一切都會成為過去,而希望和夢想永遠不會消失。 All things in life will become the past, and hope and dreams will never disappear.
