



* 旅行是對靈魂的拷問,對身體的犒賞。

Travel is an inquiry into the soul, an offering of rewards for the body.

* 最好的旅行是,走遍山河,踏遍人間煙火,歸來仍是少年。

The best travel is to travel around the world, step on the fire of life, and return as a young man.

* 旅行是治癒一切的良藥。

Travel is the cure for all ailments.

* 願你走出半生,歸來仍是少年。

May you walk out of half a life and return as a young man.

* 旅行的意義,不是逃避,而是學會堅強。

The meaning of travel is not to escape, but to learn to be strong.

* 人生至少要有兩次衝動,一次為奮不顧身的愛情,一次為說走就走的旅行。

At least there should be two impulses in life, one for love without reservation, and one for taking a trip without hesitation.

* 旅行,就是從熟悉的地方,到陌生的地方,尋找未知的自己。

Traveling is from the familiar to the unfamiliar, to find the unknown self.
