




一個男孩在村莊的邊緣大聲喊著:“狼來了!狼來了!” 村民們聽到聲音,紛紛拿起武器沖向男孩。但是當他們到達時,發現這只是一場虛驚。男孩笑著說:“我只是在開玩笑。”

第二天,男孩再次大喊:“狼來了!” 村民們又急忙趕來,結果又是虛驚一場。這次,村民們都很生氣,他們質問男孩為什麼要欺騙他們。男孩只是笑著,並不回應。

第三天,真正的狼出現了。村民們立刻拿起武器,準備戰鬥。但是男孩大喊:“不要緊張!我在開玩笑!” 結果,村民們被狼咬傷了很多無辜的人。



The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The wolf really was here!

A boy shouted from the edge of the village, "Wolf! Wolf!" The villagers, hearing the sound, rushed towards him with weapons in hand. But when they arrived, it was just a false alarm. The boy laughed and said, "I was just joking."

The next day, the boy cried again, "Wolf!" The villagers hurriedly came again, but it was another false alarm. This time, the villagers were very angry. They asked why the boy had deceived them. But the boy just smiled and didn't respond.

On the third day, the real wolf appeared. The villagers immediately picked up their weapons, ready to fight. But the boy cried, "Don't panic! I'm joking!" As a result, many innocent people were bitten by the wolf.

At the trial, the boy was found guilty. He admitted his mistake and promised never to deceive the villagers again. The villagers accepted his apology and decided to give him a chance to reform.