



1. "Treasure every moment of your life, for time is precious."

2. "Cherish the moments with those you love, for they will soon pass."

3. "Value what you have, for it may be taken from you but what you value is yours forever."

4. "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Therefore, be sure to cherish the results of your own efforts.

5. "Life is like a gift, use it to the fullest and cherish every moment."

6. "Life is like a precious jewel, so be sure to appreciate it and hold on to it tightly."

7. "Only those who value what they have are truly wealthy."

8. "A moment spent well is worth an hour poorly spent."

9. "Be mindful of what you cherish, for it defines who you are."

10. "It is never too late to cherish what you have, for life is a journey worth taking."