


故事標題:The Courage of a Little Sparrow

Once upon a time, there was a little sparrow who lived in a big city. This sparrow was very small and shy, but she had a big dream - to fly high and far.

One day, the sparrow saw a big bird soaring high in the sky. She watched in awe as the big bird flew effortlessly through the clouds. The little sparrow decided that she wanted to be like that bird, so she began to practice flying.

Every day, she would take flight and try to soar higher and higher. She fell many times, but she never gave up. She kept trying, even when she was tired and defeated.

One day, the little sparrow felt a surge of courage and flew higher than she ever had before. She felt exhilarated and free, as if she had finally achieved her dream.

But then, a strong gust of wind came and almost knocked her out of the sky. She was afraid, but she didn't give up. She clung tightly to the branch of a tree and waited for the wind to subside.

When she finally landed, she realized that she had learned something very valuable: Courage is not about never falling, but about getting back up again and trying again.

From that day on, the little sparrow never gave up on her dream. She kept flying higher and higher, always with courage and determination. And she taught others the same lesson: Courage is not about what we can do, but about what we are willing to do.
