



1. A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

2. A friend is like a half-empty glass, they're always there for you when you need them.

3. A true friend is like a plant that blooms in the dark and brings beauty to your life.

4. Friendship is like a symphony, it’s beautiful when it’s simple, but it’s even more beautiful when it’s shared.

5. True friendship is like a scar – it hurts when you first get it, but over time it becomes a reminder of the love and support you received.

6. A friend is someone who knows all your flaws and still loves you anyway.

7. A true friend is like a warm cup of coffee, they keep you going when you’re feeling down.

8. A friend is someone who knows when you’re feeling lost and they’re there to guide you back to the light.

9. A friend is like a book – you turn the pages, but never truly finish learning from them.

10. True friendship is like a rainbow – it may be temporary in appearance, but it lasts forever in your heart.
