



1. Friendship is like a plant that grows from seeds of love.

2. A true friend is one who thinks of you when you're feeling down and also when you're feeling high.

3. A true friend will listen when you need to talk, but will also give you space when you need space.

4. A good friend will give you their unwavering support when you need it the most.

5. Friendship is like a flower, it needs to be watered regularly to stay blooming.

6. A true friend is someone who knows when you've made a mistake and still loves you for who you are.

7. A good friend is someone who understands that your happiness is their happiness and they'll do anything to make you smile.

8. True friendship is a gift that keeps on giving, even when it's not recognized or appreciated.

9. A true friend is someone who knows that they can rely on you for anything, even if it's something they never thought they could ask you to do.

10. Friendship is a beautiful thing that should be cherished and nurtured, like any other relationship in life.
