



Scene 1: The Palace (Cinderella's House)

(Cinderella enters, wearing her dirty clothes and carrying a broom)

Cinderella: (to herself) Another day of cleaning. I wish I could be like everyone else.

(Prince enters, dressed in his royal robes)

Prince: Good day, Cinderella. May I ask you a question?

Cinderella: (surprised) Yes, Your Royal Highness.

Prince: Why do you always wear those dirty clothes?

Cinderella: Because I am not allowed to wear anything else.

Scene 2: The Ball (The Palace)

(Cinderella is invited to the ball with the help of her fairy godmother)

Fairy Godmother: Cinderella, I have a gift for you. Wear this glass slipper and you will be able to attend the ball.

Cinderella: (surprised) Thank you, Fairy Godmother!

(At the ball, Cinderella meets Prince and dances with him)

Scene 3: The Discovery (Cinderella's House)

(After the ball, Prince searches for Cinderella to propose marriage)

Prince: Cinderella, I have found you! Will you marry me?

Cinderella: (overwhelmed) Yes! Yes, I will!

(The Prince and Cinderella celebrate their wedding day)

Scene 4: The End (Cinderella's House)

(After the wedding, Cinderella is no longer treated as a servant. She is now a princess)

Cinderella: (to herself) Now I am a princess. But I will always remember what it was like to be a servant. It taught me to appreciate what I have.

(The End)
