



1. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."(患難見真交)

2. "Friendship is like a river of wine, flowing between two hearts."(友誼如酒,流淌在兩顆心間)

3. "A friend in the dark is better than a father in the day."(黑暗中的朋友勝過白天的父親)

4. "True friendship is like a red balloon in the sky, forever elusive, yet always just out of reach."(真正的友誼就像天上的紅色氣球,永遠觸手可及)

5. "Friendship is like a tree planted in the midst of a storm, nurtured by love and loyalty."(友誼就像在風暴中生長的樹,由愛和忠誠滋養)

6. "A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out."(朋友在別人都離開時選擇留下)

7. "A friend is someone you can call upon when you need someone to talk to."(朋友是你在需要傾訴時可以打電話的人)

8. "Without friendship, life is a tale told by rote."(沒有友誼,人生就像一個被背誦的故事)
