



1. "Music is the wine of spirit." - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

2. "Without music, life would be a prosaic drudgery." - Sergei Rachmaninoff

3. "Music is the emotion of life put into ear-piercing form." - Arthur Schopenhauer

4. "The greatest gift of music is its universal language." - Earl Wild

5. "Music is the universal language of the soul." - Edward Elgar

6. "Music is the shaper of the world." - Robert Schumann

7. "Music is a kind of pure spirit, free and tender, inexpressible and infinite." - Langston Hughes

8. "Without music, life would be a journey without a song." - Eleanor Farjeon

9. "The power of music lies in its universality, for it speaks to all that is noblest in man." - J. Arthur Rank

10. "Music is a mirror of one's soul, a reflection of one's dreams." - Anonymous
