



1. 兩個朋友在森林裡迷路了,他們決定沿著一條路走下去,直到找到出路。其中一個朋友突然停下來,說:“這條路看起來很熟悉,我們是不是曾經走過?”另一個朋友回答:“不,我們第一次來這裡。”第一個朋友繼續說:“喔,我想起來了,這是我以前夢到過的一條路。”

English translation: Two friends got lost in the forest and decided to keep walking down a path until they found their way out. One of the friends suddenly stopped and said, "This path looks very familiar. Have we been here before?" The other friend replied, "No, we've never been here before." The first friend continued, "Oh, I remember now. This is the same path I dreamed about before."

2. 一位母親帶著她的小女兒去商店買衣服。母親看中了一套漂亮的衣服,便對售貨員說:“這件衣服多少錢?”售貨員回答:“150元。”母親問女兒:“你喜歡嗎?”女兒回答:“不喜歡。”母親很驚訝,問女兒:“為什麼?”女兒回答:“因為它太貴了。”

English translation: A mother took her little daughter to the store to buy clothes. The mother saw a beautiful outfit and asked the salesperson, "How much is this?" The salesperson replied, "150 yuan." The mother asked her daughter, "Do you like it?" And her daughter replied, "No, because it's too expensive."

3. 一位父親對他的兒子說:“如果你每天早上早起一分鐘,那么你會變得更有時間去做其他重要的事情。”兒子回答:“那你為什麼不早起一分鐘呢?”

English translation: A father said to his son, "If you get up early by one minute every morning, you'll have more time to do other important things." The son replied, "Then why don't you get up early by one minute?"
