



1. "Life's most persistent and荷叶音有powerful enemy is not opposing ideas but indifference."(生活中最持久而強大的敵手並不是各種反對意見本身,而是我們面對這些意見時的冷漠態度。)

2. "In every age, the cry goes up for freedom. But it is not a simple cry of oppression. It is a cry of an infinite variety of men and women who are conscious that they have no choice but to be free."(在每一個時代,人們都會高呼自由。但這不僅僅是一種壓迫者的呼喊,而是由有著各種不同個性的人們有意識地發出來的呼喊,他們意識到他們別無選擇,只能自由。)

3. "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.'"(我有夢想,我夢想有一天這個國家將會奮起,實現其信條的真諦:“我們認為這些真理是不言而喻的:所有的人都生而平等。”)

4. "An unarmed people, whose right to vote had been suspended, marched in peaceful protest of their condition. They were met with fire hoses and sound bombs."(一個沒有武裝的、被暫停投票權的民眾為了抗議他們的現狀而進行和平遊行,他們遭到了水炮車和震爆彈的襲擊。)

5. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."(我有夢想有一天我的四個孩子將在一個不是以他們的膚色,而是以他們的品格優劣來評價他們的國度生活。)
