



* 沒有人是自成一體、與外界隔絕的孤島,每個人都必然與周圍的他人有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,這才是人生最根本的事實。 -- 克爾凱郭爾。

* 人因有某種希望而活,當這種希望破滅時,生活也就隨之消亡。

* 人對神的認知其實存在於他對人的認知之中。

* 最大的智慧不是如何更好地迎合別人,而是如其所是地認知這個世界。

* 自我和自我意識之間只有通過犧牲才能取得平衡。

* 生命的本質是選擇,我們只能在我們能夠選擇的範圍里,尋找機會表現自己的優點。

* 我們永遠無法尋找到真正的自我,除非我們學會愛我們所應該有的自我。

* 我們只有接受我們是誰,才能成為我們想要成為的人。


1. No man is an island entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the great whole. -- Kierkegaard.

2. Life finds its meaning only when we come to know of our possibilities and realize them. When this happens, life grows.

3. It is only by loving yourself as you are that you come to know your true self.

4. The greatest wisdom lies not in pleasing others better, but in recognizing the world as it is.

5. It is only through sacrifice that the self and self-awareness can come into balance.

6. We can never find our true self unless we learn to love the self that we are.

7. We accept ourselves only when we accept who we are and become who we want to be.
