



He was brought up to respect authority. 他從小就受到尊敬師長的教育。

The leader must be a person of authority. 領袖必須是有權威的人。

She now has authority over the people she used to take orders from. 她現在有權力支配那些一貫向她發號施令的人。

Who is in authority now? 現在誰掌權?。

Only the treasurer has authority to sign cheques. 只有司庫有權簽署支票。

He's an authority on criminal law. 他是刑法專家。

I have to report this to the authorities. 我得向官方報告此事。

The health authorities are investigating the problem. 衛生當局正在調查這個問題。

Only the manager has the authority to sign cheques. 只有經理才有權簽支票。

We acted under the authority of the UN. 我們是經聯合國授權行動的。