


I've had the benefit of a good education, which has prepared me well for my career choices。

Scientific research is of great benefit to mankind, as it opens up new possibilities and improves our understanding of the world。

He's not entitled to claim unemployment benefit, as he has not been actively seeking work for the past six months。

The new railway will benefit the district, as it will improve connectivity and facilitate trade。

I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union, as it provides protection and support。

He has had the benefit of a first-class education, which has given him a competitive edge in the job market。

The rain will benefit the crops greatly, as it will help them grow and increase production。

I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity, as it provides valuable skills and knowledge。

He's lost his entitlement to benefits, as he has started work and no longer meets the criteria。

For the benefit of the community, we are organizing a fundraiser to support local charities。