



"Let me give you an example." 讓我來舉一個例子吧。

"She is a shining example to us all." 她是我們所有人的光輝榜樣。

"Her courage is an example to us all." 她的勇氣是我們大家的榜樣。

"I rely on you to set a good example." 我指望你來樹立一個好榜樣。

"An officer's job was to set an example." 一個官員的任務就是樹立榜樣。

"He sets an example to the other students." 他為其他同學樹立了榜樣。

"He's a shining example of a hard-working pupil." 他是用功的學生,是優秀的榜樣。

"I'll show you how to hit the ball and then you must copy my example." 我先做給你看如何擊球,然後你必須照我的示範做。

"This church is a fine example of Norman architecture." 這座教堂是典型的諾曼式建築。

"This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry." 這首詩是雪萊抒情詩的範例。