



It is an impressive achievement. 這是一項令人敬佩的成就。

That performance was pretty impressive. 那場表演很出色。

The case for nuclear power is impressive. 支持核能的論據令人印象深刻。

He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive. 他肌肉發達,但是太胖了,沒給人留下好印象。

The thoroughness of the evaluation process we went through was impressive. 我們親歷的評估過程面面俱到,給人留下了深刻印象。

She was very impressive in the interview. 她在面試中表現得十分出色。

On paper our profits look impressive, but in reality we made very little money last year. 表面上我們獲利可觀,但實際上我們去年賺錢很少。

This cinema is so impressive that we can't help crying. 這影片如此感人以至我們禁不住流下淚來。

But even more impressive is the progress in just a single year. 但更令人印象深刻的是僅僅一年中谷歌取得的進步。

They were one of rock's most impressive live acts. 他們是最富感染力的現場表演搖滾樂組合之一。