

nightcore i'm a mess佳句

以下是一些“nightcore i'm a mess”中的佳句:

1. “I'm feeling lost and alone without you by my side.”(沒有你在我身邊,我感到迷失和孤獨。)

2. “My life feels out of control and I don't know what to do.”(我的生活似乎失去了控制,我不知道該怎么辦。)

3. “I need you to understand me right now, please don't judge me until you hear my story.”(請理解我現在的心情,請不要評判我,直到你聽完我的故事。)

4. “I'm feeling confused and anxious about the future.”(我對未來感到困惑和焦慮。)

5. “I need some time to myself to figure things out.”(我需要一些時間自己思考事情。)
