



That is a cancer patient. 那個是癌症病人。

She's one of Dr. Song's patients. 她是宋醫生的一個病人。

I'm very patient with children. 我對孩子們很有耐心。

You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished. 你只需要耐心點,等我把事情做完。

I have little patience with such views. 我很難接受這類觀點。

Her patience is wearing thin. 她快要忍耐不住了。

I have run out of patience with her. 我已對她失去耐心。

Teaching children requires patience and understanding. 教育兒童需要耐心和體諒。

He doesn't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. 他沒有耐心做拼圖遊戲。

Please be patient — your cheque will arrive. 請耐心點——你的支票會到的。

She was tough but wonderful with her patients. 她很嚴厲,但對病人卻很好。

He specialized in treating cancer patients. 他是治療癌症病人的專家。

He was endlessly kind and patient with children. 他對孩子們總是非常好,很有耐心。