


"Reunion" means a meeting or gathering of people, especially one that takes place after a long separation, such as family members, friends, or classmates。

"We're going to have a family reunion next weekend." 意味著說話者計劃在下個周末舉行一次家庭聚會。

"All our kin came to the family reunion." 描述了一次所有親屬都參加的家庭聚會。

"Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion." 表明她對會面的描述完全重現了團聚的場景。

"We hold an annual reunion of former students of the college." 表示每年都會舉行一次大學校友的聚會。

"He was instrumental in the reunion of the two parties." 說明他在兩黨再次聯合的過程中起到了關鍵作用。

"A jolly crowd attended the reunion." 描述了一群興高采烈的人參加了聚會。