

rocky balboa名言

以下是電影《洛奇5》(Rocky Balboa)中的一些名言:

1. "The boxing ring is a gentleman's ring."

2. "The good life for me is the life I have, even if it's not the glitz and glamour of the movies."

3. "I'm gonna do it for me, not for you."

4. "I'm gonna take my son to his first day of school, I'm gonna live my life the way I want to live it."

5. "I'm gonna be a father again."

6. "I'm gonna fight again, but right now, I'm just gonna enjoy this moment."

7. "I'm Rocky Balboa. I'm still standing."

這些名言反映了主角洛奇·巴波亞(Rocky Balboa)的生活哲學和情感變化。他從一個被社會邊緣化的普通人,成長為一個有責任感、有夢想的普通人。這些名言也表達了他對友誼、家庭和自己的深深熱愛。