

turn into造句

以下是使用「turn into」造句的示例:

The caterpillar will turn into a butterfly soon.(毛毛蟲很快就會變成蝴蝶。)

The former industrial area has turned into a thriving cultural district.(以前的工業區已經變成了一個繁榮的文化區。)

If you don't control your anger, it can easily turn into violence.(如果你不控制你的憤怒,它很容易變成暴力。)

Her hobby of baking cakes has turned into a successful business.(她烘烤蛋糕的愛好已經變成了一項成功的事業。)

With the right investments, this small company could turn into a major player in the industry.(通過正確的投資,這家小公司可能會變成該行業的主要參與者。)

The beautiful princess has turned into a frog by the witch's curse.(美麗的公主被巫婆的詛咒變成了一隻青蛙。)

The abandoned warehouse has been turned into an art studio.(被廢棄的倉庫已經被改造成了一個藝術工作室。)

The cold winter has turned into a beautiful spring.(寒冷的冬天已經變成了美麗的春天。)

The empty bottle turned into a beautiful fairy.(這個空瓶子變成了一個美麗的仙女。)

The ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful swan.(這隻醜小鴨已經變成了一隻美麗的天鵝。)