



1. 愚公移山 (Yu Gong Moves the Mountains): "A foolish old man moved mountains to build a road for others' convenience."

2. 孟母三遷 (Meng's Mother Moves Three Times): "Meng's mother moved house to provide a better learning environment for her son."

3. 女媧補天 (Ne Wa Covers the Sky): "Ne Wa used jade to repair the sky after it was damaged by a flood."

4. 孔子論道 (Confucius Discusses Tao): "Confucius discusses the principles of Tao with his disciples."

5. 荊軻刺秦王 (Jing Ke Stabs the King): "Jing Ke attempted to assassinate the king in order to prevent the unification of China."

6. 鴻門宴 (Hongmen Banquet): "The story of how Emperor Hongxi and his ministers gathered at a banquet to plan for future action."

7. 玄奘取經 (Xuanzang Acquires Buddhist Scriptures): "Xuanzang travels to India to acquire Buddhist scriptures."

8. 昭君出塞 (Zhaojun's Exile): "Zhaojun was sent to the northern frontier to strengthen relations between China and the northern tribes."
