



* 美食在前,美景不換。 Delicious food, no美景 exchange.

* 食為人生百味,味是故鄉情味。Food is the taste of life, and flavor is a taste of home.

* 美食者,愛其香,食其味,回味其色。The food lover loves its fragrance, savors its taste, and savor its color.

* 食為天性,飢餓時必須飽餐一頓。Food is a natural instinct, we must have a full meal when we are hungry.

* 一入廚房深似海,美食誘惑擋不住。Once you enter the kitchen, you cannot resist the temptation of delicious food.

* 味道好的話,別處景色也黯然失色。If the food is good, the scenery around will pale in comparison.

* 美食的魅力在於色香味俱全。The charm of food lies in its color, taste, and smell.

* 美食,最能撫慰人心的東西。Food is the most soothing thing in the world.

* 享受美食,享受人生。Enjoying food, enjoying life.
