



Once upon a time, there were twelve animals in the zodiac. Each animal had its own unique personality and characteristics. Among them, the rat was known for its cunning and resourcefulness, the ox for its steadfastness and hardworking nature, the tiger for its courage and fierceness, the rabbit for its mild temperament and kind nature, the dragon for its noble and magnanimous spirit, and so on.

One day, the god of heaven decided to organize a competition among all the animals to see which one could be the most outstanding representative of their kind. All the animals gathered in a grand ceremony, eagerly waiting for the start of the competition.

The competition began with the rat dashing through the forest, searching for hidden treasures. The other animals followed suit, each trying to outdo the others in their own way. After a long and grueling day, it was finally time for the final round of the competition.

The god of heaven appeared before all the animals and declared that they would be divided into two teams: the Rat Team and the Ox Team. The Rat Team would represent cunning and resourcefulness, while the Ox Team would represent steadfastness and hardworking nature.

The Rat Team was composed of all the clever and resourceful animals, including the rat, mouse, and squirrel. They quickly came up with a plan to use their cunning to outsmart their opponents. Meanwhile, the Ox Team worked tirelessly to prepare for the final challenge, determined to win the competition.

In the end, the Rat Team managed to outsmart their opponents and emerge victorious in the competition. The god of heaven was pleased with their cleverness and resourcefulness and declared them as the representatives of the rat zodiac sign.

From then on, each year on the first day of the Chinese New Year, people would celebrate with family and friends, honoring their lucky stars based on their zodiac sign. And so, this tradition has been passed down through generations, symbolizing our belief in fate and destiny.