



"Only by working together can we accomplish big and great things with a far-reaching impact." 這句話強調了合作在實現重大和深遠影響的事情中的重要性。

"Developed countries need to fulfill obligations, developing countries need to deepen cooperation, and the North and the South need to work in the same direction to forge a united, equal, balanced and inclusive global development partnership. In this process, no country or individual should be left behind." 這段話強調了南北合作的重要性,以及在合作過程中不應讓任何國家或個人落後。

"Unity is strength, and discord is easily conquered." 這句話表達了團結的力量,以及分裂和紛爭的脆弱性。

"He who would climb the ladder must first stand upon the ground. And he who would stand upon the ground must be willing to support others climbing up." 這句話強調了在合作中支持和幫助他人的重要性。

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." 這句話雖然不是直接關於合作的,但它強調了通過合作創造未來的重要性。
