



1. "失敗乃成功之母。"

英文:Failure is the mother of success.

2. "時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。"

英文:Time is money, Efficiency is life.

3. "讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。"

英文:Reading ten thousand books broadens the mind.

4. "山不過來,我就過去。"

英文:If the mountain won't come to my party, I'll go to the mountain.

5. "人無遠慮,必有近憂。"

英文:Without far-reaching plans, there will be immediate worries.

6. "知己知彼,百戰不殆。"

英文:Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in danger in battle.

7. "靜以修身,儉以養德。"

英文:Calmness cultivates character and frugality nurtures virtue.

8. "海納百川,有容乃大。"

英文:A vast sea contains many streams - it is greatness that comes from tolerance.