



* Pressure is like a rubber ball, when you push down on it, it will bounce back.(壓力就像一個橡膠球,你按它,它就會反彈回來。)

* Don't let the pressure of life crush your spirit.(不要讓生活的壓力壓垮你的精神。)

* When you feel the weight of pressure bearing down on you, remember that it's only temporary.(當你感到壓力的重量壓在你身上時,記住這只是暫時的。)

* Life is like a rollercoaster, highs and lows, but remember, it's the pressure that makes the thrill.(生活就像過山車,有高峰也有低谷,但要記住,正是壓力讓刺激感倍增。)

* Pressure is only temporary, it's what you do with it that counts.(壓力只是暫時的,重要的是你怎么處理它。)

* When you feel overwhelmed by pressure, remember that you are not alone.(當你感到壓力壓得你喘不過氣來時,要記住你不是一個人。)

* Keep going when things seem at their bleakest, because when the pressure's on, you are at your strongest.(在事情看似最黑暗的時候,要堅持不懈,因為當壓力來臨的時候,你就是最強的。)

* Life is not about getting by with out falling, it's about getting up and standing strong after falling down.(生活不是避開跌倒,而是在跌倒後站起來,站得堅強。)
