



* 快樂,不在繁華的虛榮,而在簡單的滿足。

Happy is not the trappings of vanity, but simple satisfaction.

* 快樂不是因為擁有的多,而是計較的少。

Happiness is not because of having more, but about having less.

* 明天的明天,我們都為了自己要好好的。

Tomorrow, tomorrow, we all make a solemn vow for ourselves.

* 有一種愛很溫馨,有一種浪漫也很隨性。

There is a kind of love that is warm and a kind of romance that is also casual.

* 我還在原地等你,你卻已經忘記曾來過這裡。

I am still waiting at the same place, but you have forgotten to have been here.

* 你來過一下子,我想念一輩子。

You were here for a moment, and I will miss you for a lifetime.

* 你總說時間還很多,其實最殘酷的一刻已經持續了很多年。

You always say there is still plenty of time, but in fact the most cruel moment has been going on for many years.

* 你讓我快樂起來吧,只要有你陪我一起唱這一首歌就夠了。

Please make me happy, just accompany me to sing this song with you.