

姐妹the help名言

關於"姐妹The Help"的名言有:

* "The best kind of friend is the one you can talk to about anything. the second best kind is someone who understands when you don't say anything at all." 姐妹,相互理解的人是那種無話不談的好友,能默契配合的朋友也不錯。——瑪吉·亨林

* "Sisters are like a best friend, they will always be there for you." 姐妹就是最好的朋友,她們總是會無條件的為你付出。——維基·漢弗萊斯

* "A sister is like a best friend, but with less得起爭執 and more laundry." 姐妹就是最好的朋友,而且不會為了一點小事就翻臉,還會有穿不完的衣服和永遠也洗不完的碗。——一位姐妹如是說

* "You can tell your sister anything and she'll never tell anyone." 你可以把你的秘密告訴姐妹,她永遠不會告訴別人。——某位姐妹如是說
