



* Smiling helps you build stronger relationships with others. 微笑有助於你與他人建立更緊密的關係。

* A smile is an inexpensive apology. 微笑是最好的免費道歉方式。

* A smile is the beginning of communication, no words are necessary. 微笑是交流的開始,不需要言語。

* A smile is the universal language which needs no translation. 微笑是全世界通用的語言,無需翻譯。

* Smiling at people you meet can make a positive difference to your day and theirs. 遇到人微笑打招呼能使自己和他人都感到快樂。

* The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. A smile is a great way to start your day. 讓夢想實現的最好方法就是醒來。微笑是開始一天最好的方式。

* Laughter and a smile can break through the hardest of hearts and bring about instant change. 歡笑和微笑可以打開最硬的心房,帶來立竿見影的變化。
