



1. I am feeling blue today. 我今天心情很憂鬱。

2. I am feeling nervous and anxious today. 我今天感到很緊張和焦慮。

3. Today, I am feeling very happy and content. 今天我感到非常開心滿足。

4. I am feeling overwhelmed with work today. 我今天感到工作負擔很重。

5. I am feeling tired and worn out today. 我今天感到很累,筋疲力盡。

6. Today, I am feeling overwhelmed with joy and excitement. 今天我感到無比開心興奮。

7. I am feeling restless and unsettled today. 我今天感到心神不寧,不安定。

8. Today, I am feeling at peace with myself and the world. 今天我感到內心平靜,與世界和諧相處。

9. I am feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future. 我對未來感到充滿希望和樂觀。

10. Today, I am feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a long day. 經過漫長的一天,我感到煥然一新,充滿活力。