



These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted. 那些日子真是慘透了,你覺得心裡亂糟糟的、怨氣叢生、寂寞、整個人徹底地精疲力竭。

You feel small and insignificant. 你感到自己很渺小和微不足道。

Everything seems just out of reach. 每件事情似乎都夠不著邊。

You can't rise to the occasion. 你根本無法振作起來。

Just getting started seems impossible. 根本沒有力氣重新開始。

On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you. 在憂鬱的日子裡,你可能變成偏執狂,覺得每個人都想要吃定你。

You're about to burst into tears at any moment and you don't even know why. 不論在什麼時候,你總有種想哭的衝動,卻不知道為了什麼。

Ultimately, you feel like you're wandering through life without purpose. 最後,你覺得自己猶如行屍走肉,失去生活目標。

I'm depressed. 我很沮喪。

I feel blue. 我感到很憂鬱。

I feel down in the dumps today. 今天感到很鬱悶。

It's depressing. 這真讓人沮喪。

I don't feel like doing anything. 我什麼都不想乾。

I don't have any enthusiasm for life. 這輩子沒什麼能讓我提起興趣來。