



1. "The greatest discovery of all time is equal to one single question answered." - Euclid.

2. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences." - Leonhard Euler.

3. "The beauty of mathematics is that there are no barriers, only challenges." - John von Neumann.

4. "The essence of mathematics is precisely that it makes eternal models of its objects." - David Hilbert.

5. "Mathematics is the art of putting things in the right order." - Alan Turing.

6. "The most powerful tool in mathematics is compound interest." - Unknown.

7. "Mathematics is the language with which we make our universe speak." - Carl Friedrich Gauss.

8. "Mathematics is the key to the universe, not because it solves all problems, but because it reveals the nature of the universe." - Neil deGrasse Tyson.

9. "The beauty of mathematics is that it is beautiful, and that it is true." - John Nash.

10. "Mathematics is the language in which we speak to the infinite." - Albert Einstein.