


故事標題:The Little Match Girl《小火柴女孩》 Once upon a time, there was a little girl who sold matches in the cold winter. She was very poor and cold, but she had a kind heart and always helped others. One night, she was walking along the street with a box of matches in her hand, hoping to earn some money to buy food and clothes. As she walked, she saw a homeless man shivering in the cold. She knew she could sell a match to him and warm him up. So she took out a match from her box and lit it, hoping it would warm him up. But it was too cold and the match went out. She tried again and again, but each time the match would burn out before it could warm him up. She knew she couldn't make him warm, but she still tried to help him. Finally, she gave up and continued walking down the street. As she walked, she saw a little dog that was also shivering in the cold. She knew she could sell a match to it and warm it up too. So she took out another match from her box and lit it, hoping it would warm the little dog. This time, the match burned brightly and warmed the little dog up. As she watched the little dog snuggle up to her feet and warm up, she felt so happy that she had managed to help someone in need that night. As she walked home with her box of matches still in her hand, she realized that although she was poor and cold, she had managed to help someone in need and make a difference in their lives. The Little Match Girl learned an important lesson that night: never give up when you see someone in need and always try to make a difference in their lives.