


班傑明奇幻旅程(Benjamin Button)是一部電影,講述了主人公 Benjamin Button(班傑明)從老邁到幼年的奇幻歷程。以下是電影中的一些名言:

1. "Time is what we make of it." - Timekeeper名言

2. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." - Benjamin Button

3. "It's the age-old story of good and evil, but I believe in goodness." - Benjamin Button

4. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." - Quote from Benjamin Button

5. "There's no better time to do nothing than today." - Benjamin Button

6. "There's a time and a place for everything, and it may not be exactly how you planned, but it's gonna work out." - Benjamin Button

7. "It's better to look ahead and take the blows now, than to keep running from the pain forever." - Benjamin Button
