



故事標題:The Smile of a Stranger

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small village with her mother and father. Lily was a kind and loving girl, always looking for ways to help others. One day, she was walking through the village when she saw an old man sitting on the ground, crying loudly.

Lily approached the man and asked what was wrong. The man explained that he had lost his way and didn't know how to get home. Lily was moved by his story and decided to help him. She took him to her house, made him a meal, and showed him around the village.

Over time, Lily and the man became friends. They would often sit together and chat about life, with the man always appreciating the kindness of Lily and her family. One day, the man asked Lily if she would help him make a special gift for his family. They set off into the woods, where Lily helped the man carve a wooden sign with a beautiful message.

When they returned home with the gift, they found out that the man had passed away. But what he left behind was not just a wooden sign, but also a legacy of kindness and compassion that would forever be remembered by the village.

Lily's kindness and generosity taught everyone in the village a valuable lesson about empathy and helping others. The story of Lily and the man who left behind a gift of kindness became a legend in the village, and generations later, it still inspires people to be kind and compassionate.
