



1. “一切推理都必須從觀察與實驗中得出” - 伽利略

"All reasoning must be derived from observation and experiment."

2. “不積跬步,無以至千里” - 艾薩克·牛頓

"Without small steps, there can be no giant strides."

3. “我之所以能成功,是因為我堅持下去” - 瑪麗·居里

"I am able to succeed because I persevere."

4. “一切知識都是建立在觀察之上的” - 羅伯特·胡克

"All knowledge is founded upon observation."

5. “自然界中沒有偶然,只有機會” - 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦

"There is no such thing as chance in nature, only opportunity."

6. “不要因為峭壁是高的,就以為它上面沒有花朵” - 瑪麗·居里

"Do not think that there are no flowers on the steep cliff because it is high."

7. “自然法則是狡猾的,必須比它更狡猾才能駕馭它” - 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦

"Nature is cunning, and must be more cunning than it to master it."

8. “科學的邊界正在不斷擴大,我願意用我一生的時間去探索未知” - 史蒂芬·霍金

"The boundaries of science are constantly expanding, and I am willing to spend my lifetime exploring the unknown."
